Bluehost Newsletter: Reminder: Happy Sweet 16 to WordPress and More...

Published by Bluehost on June 1st, 2019 10:38am. 121 views.

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Sixteen has never looked sweeter. On May 27, 2003 WordPress was born when Version 0.7 and the world wide web has never been the same. WordPress continues to evolve and inspire users to create beautiful websites that are dynamic, unique, and full of powerful features.
Wix and self-hosted WordPress both make beautiful sites, but they are very different in terms of features and costs. Here’s a look at the differences between WordPress vs. Wix and what they both have to offer.
WordPress sites are great for providing users with countless theme options to update their site. There are thousands of themes you can install on your WordPress site that you can customize and change at any time.
How do you plan to spend your summer?
Taking a vacation
Working on my website
Attending a WordCamp
WordPress News
Cybersecurity tops the list of online concerns for website owners and users alike. Learning ​how to ​secure a website​ with SSL and HTTPS protocols are essential steps for protecting sensitive data. via Bluehost
Google is rolling out an update to mobile search results that includes website branding. The new design displays a website’s name and icon at the top of the listing so users can easily scan results.via WP Tavern
Automattic has acquired Prospress, the team led by Brent Shepherd, and the makers of the largest WooCommerce extension, WooCommerce Subscriptions.via Post Status
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