Mighty Audio Newsletter: 2 Pro Tips: Podcasts & Using More Than One Mighty

Published by Mighty Audio on January 21st, 2021 12:16pm. 62 views.

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There may be some things you didn’t know about Mighty. Here are a couple pro user tips.
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Podcasts on Mighty

If it's on Spotify or Amazon Music, you can put it on your Mighty. Yes, that means podcasts too. Here's how it works: 

  1. Within the Spotify app, search for any podcast. Click "follow" on the podcast to make it available to sync within the Mighty app.
  2. Go to the Mighty app and connect your Mighty. 
  3. Click the "+" in the lower right to select which playlists and podcasts you want to sync. 
  4. You should see the "Podcasts" option second from the top of the selection menu. 
  5. Select the podcasts you want to sync on your Mighty
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Multiple Mightys

Looking to have more than one Mighty in your household? No problem. Here are some things to know:

  • Spotify allows Spotify Premium and Spotify Family plan holders to have up to 5 offline devices for each account. That means you can have 5 Mightys connected to 1 Spotify account. 
  • Each Mighty can be synced to different playlists. That means you can have a Mighty for working out and exploring podcasts but your kids can have a separate Mighty with audiobooks and kid music. 
  • Each Mighty can only sync to one service. If you use Spotify and Amazon Music, having two Mightys is the perfect way to take both services offline without needing to go back and forth when change is needed. 
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