Any of your verification links is now your login to

Published by on February 18th, 2019 11:58am. 1011 views.

Follow Website sends you a verification link by email after you email in each post, to verify it really came from you. After clicking that link, you're taken to where you can go ahead and publish it with one click, or delete it if you wish.

Keeping that email with the verification link also allows you to delete the post in question anytime later if you need to.

We've now extended this functionality further. Clicking the verification link in any of your verification emails from any of the posts you've made to will now log you in to automatically under your email address. (Technically speaking: a website session is opened for your email address when you click any verification link). You will then be able to manage any of your previous blog posts, not just the one you just published. And as always no passwords ever needed, no accounts ever to open or set up.

Don't have any verification emails for your prior posts handy? Just create a new temporary post to get another one. You can always delete the new temporary post too before publishing it once you get the verification link.

The site will also update to become easier to navigate once you're logged in - a link to your blog with all your posts will appear at the top of the site in the header.

Feedback welcome as always - contact us anytime to let us know any thoughts on this new feature and how we can improve things further.
