Moorea Seal Newsletter: 📝52 Lists Planner is HERE! 📝

Published by Moorea Seal on July 25th, 2019 10:06am. 147 views.

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OMG! the planner of your dreams, and mine, is HERE! I can't wait to tell you about it!
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OMG it's here!!! 

I've spent the last year and a half developing the ULTIMATE planner. A planner that doesn't just help you with managing your to do's, it helps you align your to do's with your values.  Discover the deeper meaning behind your work and your daily tasks to live a more fulfilling life. And at just $30, it is PACKED with so much fun stuff!

Shop NOW!

Start by making the conscious decision of where you place your time, what brings meaning to your life, and how you want to approach your year ahead with more thoughtfulness and balance.

Helpful strategies, theories, and practices to help you cultivate the life you were meant to live. Your dreams are at your finger tips, waiting for YOU to make them come true.

Use this planner to prioritize mindfulness and positive thinking while you tackle your daily to do's.

Manage your feelings with more clarity to help you experience a truly balanced life.

I can't wait to tell you more about why the planner truly is the ULTIMATE planner for helping you create the life you want to live. Manage your tasks, your emotions, your needs and wants all in the same place within a beautiful space made just for you.

Watch my video to learn more...

52 Lists Planner Is here, NOW!
We will miss you! You can here.
Moorea Seal 1012 1st Avenue Suite 150 Seattle, WA 98104