This and that... more Katchup... FuzzNews

Published by Fuzz on June 20th, 2022 4:54pm. 19 views.
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...couple days ago...
Happy Father's Day youz guyz!
Another katchup here... maybe you should wait till Monday to read this. I'm going to put down what I believe to be truth. I think most of you are used to it, thanks for your patronage. 

I'm going to start with Alexis. If you have Alexis on your computer, please send me another email address that Alexis isn't pareve to... or remove FuzzNews. Yes, it's nice to have a pretty thing run over to the wall and turn your light on for you...  just know these services aren't free, we pay with our data... Alexis walks from pew to pew with her tray and you give her your data. It feels free but you're giving up your freedom bit by blissful bit. Fuzz

Now on with the news>>>>

I remember being afraid of Russia and China getting together... now it seems they're the only adults in the room. I've been in this FuzzNews thing for about twenty years now; and know I've said before that while our government has been playing checkers, Russia and other nations have been playing chess.  This link below pretty much says it all.  Look at it this way... 

Our forefathers understood that economic liberty produced two cars in the family and at least one motorcycle in the garage. Fat babies and tolerance just seemed to follow... after all, we were held accountable for our actions or lack thereof. 

So as our federal goberment took over edukation and directed us towards world wars... even though our grandpappies voted for the candidate who said NO WAR damn it! And we got dumber and got representatives even dumber each generation until we ended up with Biden and Pelosi... damn it! 

Pretty soon communist countries realized their system didn't work. Proud of their flags and red stars, they kept flying them... while they opened up their trade to the world. Sneaky bastards you say... and I agree. But one day I looked up to see we've kept our stars and stripes... but we're a bunch of commies now!

Around 2018, I decided I was no longer a libertarian... as if in a dream, I saw that I didn't care what color our flag was, or what government schools had our kids recite to the blackboard... in fact the only thing that mattered I realized, was Liberty... Freedom... call it what you will... is the only thing that allows me to own myself. 

... and I realized today that other countries think of us... the U.S., as a corrupt collectivist state, be it left or right... it's something to be ashamed of... really sorry to have to say that... but I've traveled and lived in other countries and know if you're a left handed fornicator, then it doesn't matter what you call yourself. 

I've read what my forefathers wrote, and I believe them... and I wanna be proud to be an American again. I believe maybe I don't HAVE to be an anarchist to be free.... see? I changed my mind just now... because I'd be happy to live under the same constitution my forefathers left me. 

...In fact, the only thing I'd change would be we'd have to qualify to belong to it... and volunteer once a year ... or five years or what have you... each time we volunteer, we'd have to pay for the privilege... wouldn't cost much... we wouldn't be fighting foreign wars... We'd also have to find a better way of choosing our representatives. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb, contesting the vote. Too messy and contentious. The Greeks had a lottery system. Someone of you should look up what the Swiss do and send it to me. If you think you can make it without the Gran Wazoo, it's okay... sorry, keep listening to the beat and follow the path He puts you on...  Fuzz

This next one is good too. When I'm on the road, they tend to bunch up, not a bit sorry, you have a beautiful country... worth fighting for... Fuzz

You investors might want to see this...

.... more good stuff

I'm living good on handouts, feel free to be free and toss something in the pot. Fuzz

Wanna support my efforts? I've been mostly in the States since January 2021, and I have to say, some of you have been very generous, Thank You!  My Book Sales are up, and I've got a place to stay here in Bisbee. Still, I'm on the road, and  need low octane gas and cheap motels once and awhile... so if you're in the mood, I can tell you whatever you send is going in the tank. 
Fuzz On the Road:  Donate Here

Buy my book, "Bohemian Road Trip." ...required reading for old fools and goils that just wanna have fun...