Miracle Noodle Newsletter: Love your veggies? Then you’re going to love our angel hair noodles infused with spinach.

Published by Miracle Noodle on August 23rd, 2022 11:00am. 17 views.

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Hi ,

Our angel hair noodles are perfect for anyone
looking for a healthy and delicious meal. With
added spinach, these noodles are packed with
nutrients. This batch is going to be our last batch
before we switch to our standing bags and pre-rinsed
version, so we want are offering a 25% discount on
these noodles.

Use coupon code: SP25 for 25% off.

You won’t find anything like this on the market
today. Our angel hair noodles are not only healthy
and delicious but also incredibly easy to prepare.
All you need is a pot of boiling water and in just
minutes, you'll have a fantastic meal that the whole
family will love.

Use coupon code: SP25 for 25% off.

Purchase our Spinach Angel Hair Noodles today
for 25% off!

To you and yours in health,

Jonathan Carp, MD
President and Founder - Miracle Noodle

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