Hard Love in the Days of Psyops. Let Go, Get Back on Track. FuzzNews

Published by Fuzz on October 12th, 2022 8:46am. 16 views.
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Dear Friends,
In light of hardly any light at all, we want to believe in magic bullets... I mean, I do. We are the good guys after all, and our hearts are not only out there, but vulnerable to disinformation... or just plain lies to make us feel stupid and quit passing the word. So let's keep passing it and at the same time steel ourselves against the ol' pie in the face from time to time. So I asked my lawyer friend to have another look. This is his response. I won't pull any punches or try to make the person who sent it feel better. This is like one of those turds, they say, that rolls downhill. We need to acknowledge it and move on. So here are my friends words, cold, cynical and hard to swallow if you're used to being agreed with, read 'em and weep: God is Love, Fuzz

"This is the same video you sent me earlier. This guy´s a hoot. It starts out with the claim that the government has a patent on marriage which is totally false. Marriage can´t be patented. I even went to the govt patent office website and looked just to be sure. Nope. Stupid. Why would anyone with a brain cell think this guy is telling the truth about anything?

Next he talks about the Bible and how in Alabama you can just write your names in your Bible and you´re married! I already explained that one. It´s also totally false.

Then he mentions gmeiutility.org and says you can go look yourself up there and see how many companies are selling your information. Also false. That webpage does exist but it´s an international registry for businesses to get a unique identifier number for international trade. Has nothing to do with individuals.

He then says to type in your SSN or any other identifying number you have and you can see what companies are buying and selling your data. Totally false. I tried it just for fun.

So if in the first 10 minutes of his presentation he´s lied about everything so far, why should I waste my time watching the remaining almost 3 hours of his bullshit?

But I pressed on. Next he talks about the United Nations. First he says that of all the countries in the world, we were the only one that wasn´t a member but that´s false because it didn´t yet exist. Then he says we signed the UN Treaty on Sept 7, 1945 but that´s also false. Truman signed it Aug 8, 1945. Then he says it took effect 90 days later on Dec 7, 1945, also false. Note that 90 days after Sept 7 would not be Dec 7. Idiot. October has 31 days! Anyway, it went into effect Oct 24, 1945. He just makes shit up.

Oh, God! Now he claims that we gave Manhattan Island to the UN! Ok, enough bullshit. I can´t take any more of his abject nonsense."

PS: I'd like to thank my friend for his thoughtful, if terse read. He did it twice for us. He's a busy man, but when I get stuff like this, over my pay grade, I promise to solicit his help. We owe it to ourselves to get it right. Fuzz

Wanna support my efforts? I've been mostly in the States since January 2021, and I have to say, some of you have been very generous, Thank You!  My Book Sales are up, and I've got a place to stay here in Bisbee. Still, I'm on the road, and  need low octane gas and cheap motels once and awhile... so if you're in the mood, I can tell you whatever you send is going in the tank. 
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Buy my book, "Bohemian Road Trip." ...required reading for old fools and goils that just wanna have fun...


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