Beli Baby Newsletter: πŸ‘€ Peep this review from SHEfinds

Published by Beli Baby on November 3rd, 2022 8:00pm. 13 views.

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The Prenatal Doctors Swear By
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Beli Baby
SHEfinds review

The Prenatal Vitamin Doctors Swear By

There are lots of prenatals on the market, but only one Beli. Here's what SHEfinds had to say about our science-backed prenatals:

"Starting with fertility and conception, Beli Women helps to support egg quality, promote hormonal balance and increase overall fertility health. Two vital ingredients for this stage are Vitamin D which supports embryo implantation and Folate which helps improve egg quality and increases the chance of conception. 

During the first trimester, a special set of nutrients is needed to support clinical early growth. Here is when Choline, B12 and Folate play a major role in supporting the baby’s brain and spinal cord development, while also preventing neural tube defects and promoting energy levels for mom. Also, the vitamin’s no nausea blend is a key component for those dealing with morning sickness."

…and that only covers the benefits of Beli through the first trimester!

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