White Lotus Home Newsletter: Create Powerful, Positive Change this Earth Month 🌎

Published by White Lotus Home on April 14th, 2023 3:37pm. 13 views.

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Take pride in your “green” lifestyle with these powerful habits 



6 Simple Yet Powerful Ways You Can “Go Green” 

This Earth 🌎Month & Beyond

Have you ever looked at the chaos happening in the world and felt powerless to change anything? It’s easy to feel hopeless just looking at the news headlines. 

However, Earth Month is a great time to think about what you can do to create a positive impact on our planet. And the good news is, you don’t have to buy an electric car or put solar panels on your house to make a difference. 

The truth is, while those big technological changes are great, small actions done daily can add up over time to create powerful, lasting change in our world - and anyone can do them!  

Here are 6 simple habits you can start building this Earth Month that will add up over time to help keep our planet cleaner and greener:


Start Composting Food Waste

Did you know that 21% of landfill volume is made up of food waste? You can divert food waste from landfills and create nutrient rich soil for gardening at the same time with a simple compost bin! 


Buy Local and/or Plant a Garden

Many foods travel more than 1,000 miles before reaching your plate. By growing some of your own food and shopping locally, you’ll help save energy, reduce emissions, and eliminate some of the plastic used to package your items.


Use Cloth Instead of Paper in the Kitchen & Dining Room

Many foods travel more than 1,000 miles before reaching your plate. By growing some of your own food and shopping locally, you’ll help save energy, reduce emissions, and eliminate some of the plastic used to package your items.


Buy Used or Borrow

Rather than immediately resorting to Amazon or a local department store, you can help reduce your carbon footprint by checking to see if the item you need can be found secondhand first. Between thrift stores, FB Marketplace, and Ebay, the used goods market has never been better. Aside from buying used, borrowing instead of buying works too!


Go Paperless

Perhaps the most effortless of all the suggestions on this list, you can save trees and reduce your paper consumption by switching all your bills to paperless. Just think of all the paper you’ll be saving each year!


Hang Dry Your Clothes

With the arrival of spring, the weather is warming up, which makes drying your clothes outside on a line a lovely energy-saving experience. And if you don’t have a yard or an outdoor space to use, you can use a drying rack to air dry your clothes instead to save energy and the cash you would have used to pay for it.


Why Should YOU Shop at

White Lotus Home

This Earth 🌎Month?

Because you can Save the Earth While you Sleep!  💤


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