Lepulse Newsletter: Up to $30 Off: Bset Health Gifts in This Holiday Season!
Published by Lepulse on December 13th, 2023 6:25am.
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About this post - by PublicEmails.com:
This newsletter features up to $30 off in the Christmas Sale from Dec. 4th to Dec. 25th. The products on sale include a smart breathing exercise device, body fat scale, and a professional body fat scale. In addition to images and product descriptions, the newsletter includes call-to-action buttons for viewers to shop now.
In Spanish:
Este boletín presenta hasta $30 de descuento en la venta de Navidad del 4 al 25 de diciembre. Los productos en venta incluyen un dispositivo inteligente para ejercicios de respiración, una báscula para medir la grasa corporal y una báscula profesional para medir la grasa corporal. Además de las imágenes y las descripciones de los productos, el boletín incluye botones de llamada a la acción para que los espectadores compren ahora.
Unlock Savings and Wellness! Elevate your health journey with this exclusive offer! Limited time only.
🎄Christmas Sale🎄
Dec. 4th – Dec. 25th
Up to $30 OFF!
🎁Unwrap the Gift of Health This Holiday Season!
Holiday shopping is just around the corner. Need some inspiration? Our picks for the hottest gifts this season.
Smart Breathing Exercise Device for Respiratory Muscle Training and Lung Recovery
⏰Limited Offer: $20 OFF
Lescale F4 Household Smart Body Fat Scale
⏰Limited Offer: 12% OFF
Lepulse P3 Professional 8 Electrodes Body Fat Scale
⏰Limited Offer: $30 OFF
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