Hey Team,
Protein is king, and it’s encouraging to see that the general health and wellness community has hopped aboard the last several years. As important as leading a protein forward diet is, the saying’s true- it is possible to have too much of a good thing.
In terms of protein, the stand-alone macro, we know that it’s been proven to aid in muscle development and maintenance, which in turn helps us not only stay physically strong but equips us with a higher chance of staving off chronic illnesses. It plays a vital role in cognition, energy and other bodily functions. And while there's a plethora of ways to hit protein goals through animal, plant and supplemented sources, it’s not necessarily our focus today.
Overeating protein is absolutely a thing. And whether we overeat carbs, fats or protein, it all has to be turned into something else. In protein’s case, when you’re eating anywhere over the usually recommended 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, that excess amount is simply going to turn into carbs or fats.
While this fact varies on individuals, the human body can only absorb so much protein. Once we hit a certain threshold, the body will begin logging excess protein as carbohydrate or fat molecules. If you’re someone who’s on the strict side of counting macros, this can seriously throw off your calculations and lead you astray on the goal you’re trying to achieve.
It was shown that almost all people are capable of hitting their daily macronutrients including their essential and nonessential amino acids profiles by simply eating a diet consisting of a variety of nutritious plant and animal foods. In other words, it’s all about balance. There’s a reason that we’re now learning about the unsustainable lifespan of the short-lived carnivore diet, a fad that essentially promotes only consuming a single macro. Similarly it seems more people have now put a pin in Keto due to the not-so-shocking fact that our body does in fact need carbs to function at the level most of us desire.
Collectively we need to stop chasing after trends that heavily promote the withdrawal of any single macro. To live a long and healthy life, we need to chase after a balanced plate to ensure that our brain, organs and muscles are receiving the nutrients needed not only to survive, but thrive. Add in some whole grains, beans, and veggies to balance out your plate without sacrificing protein absorption.
If I’ve perhaps touched on a learning curve that doesn’t pertain to you, and you in fact need MORE protein in your diet, say no more. Check out my top five recommendations below 💪
- Signature 100% Whey Protein
- Prolab Nutrition Whey Isolate
- Thentic Plant Protein
- Human Improvement Complete Protein
Find the balance, friends.
Until next week. 👋