Sisley Paris Newsletter: 3 Formulas ⭐ 1 Best-Selling Collection

Published by Sisley Paris on May 7th, 2024 5:02am. 13 views.

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This email from Sisley offers three exclusive promotions on three different products with orders of different dollar amounts. The products are a mini Black Rose kit, Izia Perfumed Bath and Shower Gel, and a Gold Pouch with 7 deluxe samples & Eau Efficace. The minimum order amounts to receive the products are $350, $500, and $1,000.

In Spanish:

Este correo electrónico de Sisley ofrece tres promociones exclusivas en tres productos diferentes con pedidos de diferentes cantidades en dólares. Los productos son un mini kit Black Rose, un gel de baño y ducha perfumado Izia y una bolsa dorada con 7 muestras de lujo y Eau Efficace. Las cantidades mínimas del pedido para recibir los productos son $350, $500 y $1000.

3 Formulas ⭐ 1 Best-Selling Collection