WebHostingPad.com Newsletter: 馃尀 Take a Break with Our Auto Backup Service 馃尀

Published by WebHostingPad.com on June 20th, 2024 11:29am. 12 views.

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About this post - by PublicEmails.com:

This HTML email newsletter promotes an automatic backup service with the subject line "馃尀 Take a Break with Our Auto Backup Service 馃尀". Here is a summary of the newsletter:

* **Introduction:** The newsletter begins by greeting subscribers and introducing the auto backup service as a way to enjoy peace of mind by ensuring data is safe and secure.
* **Call to Action:** The newsletter encourages subscribers to purchase spam experts under the addon services menu by logging into their Billing control panel.
* **Customer Service:** Subscribers are provided with an email address for any questions or concerns.
* **Fine Print:** The newsletter includes a note stating that all sales are final.
* **Follow Us:** Social media icons are provided for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
* **Footer:** The footer includes copyright information, the mailing address for WebHostingPad, and an unsubscribe link.

In Spanish:

Este email informativo de HTML promueve un servicio de copia de seguridad autom谩tica con el asunto "馃尀 T贸mate un descanso con nuestro servicio de copia de seguridad autom谩tica 馃尀". Aqu铆 va un resumen del bolet铆n:

* **Introducci贸n:** El bolet铆n empieza saludando a los suscriptores y presentando el servicio de copia de seguridad autom谩tica como una forma de disfrutar de tranquilidad al asegurar que los datos est茅n a salvo y protegidos.
* **Llamada a la acci贸n:** El bolet铆n anima a los suscriptores a comprar expertos en spam en el men煤 de servicios complementarios iniciando sesi贸n en su panel de control de facturaci贸n.
* **Servicio al cliente:** Se facilita a los suscriptores una direcci贸n de email para cualquier duda o problema.
* **Condiciones:** El bolet铆n incluye una nota que indica que todas las ventas son definitivas.
* **S铆guenos:** Se proporcionan iconos de redes sociales para Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn.
* **Pie de p谩gina:** El pie de p谩gina incluye informaci贸n de copyright, la direcci贸n postal de WebHostingPad y un enlace para darse de baja.

馃尀 Take a Break with Our Auto Backup Service 馃尀

Log into your Billing control panel to purchase spam experts under your addon services menu.

Email us at [email protected] with any questions.

All sales are final.

Copyright 漏 2024 WebHostingPad, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are currently opted-in to WebHostingPad's newsletter list.

Our mailing address is:
415 West Golf Road, Suite 5
Arlington Heights, IL 60005

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