HOLISTIK Wellness Newsletter: Reasons Why Our Supplements Work.

Published by HOLISTIK Wellness on July 11th, 2024 1:34pm. 4 views.

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About this post - by PublicEmails.com:

This email newsletter is from HOLISTIK Wellness™ and offers 25% off sample packs with code SAMPLE. The newsletter discusses the benefits of the company's hemp sticks product, which is made with New York greenhouse-grown hemp and coated with a water-soluble material for quick absorption. The bottom of the email has links to the company's social media accounts and website.

In Spanish:

Este boletín de noticias por correo electrónico es de HOLISTIK Wellness™ y ofrece un 25% de descuento en paquetes de muestra con el código SAMPLE. El boletín de noticias analiza los beneficios del producto de hemp sticks de la empresa, que está hecho con hemp cultivado en invernadero de Nueva York y recubierto con un material soluble en agua para una rápida absorción. En la parte inferior del correo electrónico hay enlaces a las cuentas de redes sociales y al sitio web de la empresa.

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HOLISTIK Wellness™
You've likely had a hard time finding the right hemp formula that works.
Ours is different, truly. We source only from a Biodynamic Greenhouse in New York, rigorously tested for quality. This means the plant never touches outside soil or air – hemp plants are extremely absorbent to outside toxins. Did you know they used them in Chernobyl?
The formula is then coated with a water-soluble material our body absorbs and benefits from quickly for a precise, consistent portion each time.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Coupon Disclaimer: Coupon is for retail customers only, not to be combined with any other discount.
HOLISTIK Wellness™
2024 © HOLISTIK Wellness
141 South Avenue, Suite 102, Fanwood, New Jersey 07023