Deeper Network Newsletter: Warning: Don't trust "Incognito" or "Private Browsing"!

Published by Deeper Network on July 16th, 2024 10:01am. 11 views.

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The newsletter details privacy concerns related to the use of the internet. It claims that internet service providers (ISPs) and other corporations can gather and sell our personal information, frequently without our knowledge or agreement. Users are misled by the common misperception that "incognito mode" in web browsers ensures their privacy when browsing.

The newsletter suggests that instead of relying on browser privacy tools, users consider deploying the Deeper Connect device. This device utilizes a special tunneling protocol called the Trident Protocol, which is said to hide users' IP addresses, making it difficult for ISPs to follow them and collect their data. By encrypting network tunnels from end to end, data is prevented from being intercepted or tracked. ISPs lose their ability to misuse their authority as a result.

Deeper Connect also includes a multi-hop routing feature, allowing users to route their network traffic through numerous Deeper Connect devices located worldwide. This makes it even harder for ISPs to capture user browsing data. The newsletter concludes by urging readers to protect their privacy and security online by exploring the Deeper Connect and its capabilities.

In Spanish:

El boletín detalla las inquietudes de privacidad relacionadas con el uso de Internet. Afirma que los proveedores de servicios de Internet (ISP) y otras corporaciones pueden recopilar y vender nuestra información personal, a menudo sin nuestro conocimiento o consentimiento. Los usuarios se ven engañados por la percepción errónea común de que el "modo incógnito" en los navegadores web garantiza su privacidad mientras navegan.

El boletín sugiere que en lugar de confiar en las herramientas de privacidad del navegador, los usuarios consideren implementar el dispositivo Deeper Connect. Este dispositivo utiliza un protocolo de tunelización especial llamado Protocolo Trident, que supuestamente oculta las direcciones IP de los usuarios, lo que dificulta que los ISP los rastreen y recopilen sus datos. Al cifrar los túneles de red de extremo a extremo, se evita que los datos sean interceptados o rastreados. Como resultado, los ISP pierden su capacidad de hacer un mal uso de su autoridad.

Deeper Connect también incluye una función de enrutamiento de múltiples saltos, que permite a los usuarios enrutar su tráfico de red a través de numerosos dispositivos Deeper Connect ubicados en todo el mundo. Esto hace que sea aún más difícil para los ISP capturar los datos de navegación del usuario. El boletín concluye instando a los lectores a proteger su privacidad y seguridad en línea explorando Deeper Connect y sus capacidades.

You want to hear a crazy thing?

If you're like most people who think your browser's "incognito mode" is safe.

That'd be 100% a mistake.

Google was even sued 5 billion dollars because of this.

In reality, the term "incognito browsing" is extremely misleading...

The "Incognito browsing" mode does not ensure your privacy while browsing.

It simply ensures that no matter what you do online, you don't leave any cookies or browsing history behind on your computer...

However, the reality is that your data still passes through the hands of centralized servers and Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

And here lies the problem.

ISPs have the ability to monitor, store, and sell your data, potentially leading to data breaches. They can also analyze your data and give that data to government agencies, if subpoenaed.

This surveillance is not only widespread but also highly invasive.

Between January 2005 and May 2008, there were over 200 million suspected individual sensitive record breaches. 

Medical institutions lost 6.2 billion dollars in 2014 and 2015 from these data breaches.

In 2018, the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica incident again drew global attention to the threat of data breaches.

These panic-inducing data breaches are a side effect of the highly centralized nature of the internet and the trading of information.

The good news is that the Deeper Connect can address this issue and safeguard your online privacy and security.


The Deeper Connect uses a proprietary tunneling protocol called the Trident Protocol. This protocol is designed to provide anonymous services, effectively hiding users' IP addresses to avoid being tracked.

When network tunnels are end-to-end encrypted, data flows without the ability to be intercepted or tracked.

This means that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) won't be able to abuse their powers.

Users can also opt for a multi-hop routing mode to achieve stricter anonymous services.

In a multi-hop routing scenario, network tunnels are established by multiple Deeper Connect devices around the world. This further enhances anonymity, making it more difficult for ISPs to capture personal browsing information.

So, if you wish to explore the digital world more privately and securely...

You can click "More Product Information" below to understand the huge potential of Deeper Connect.

Deeper Connect Mini Set

Deeper Connect Mini Set


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Deeper Connect Pico Set (New)

Deeper Connect Pico Set (New)


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The privacy issues in Web 2.0 have reached a point where they can no longer be ignored.

Our personal data is akin to an open book, each page laid bare for institutions and select corporations to persistently scrutinize...

It’s like a shadow in the dark is constantly peering over our shoulders, ready to steal the most intimate things in our lives and profit from them.

So, decentralized technology is not only an innovation but also an inevitable choice for achieving anonymity in the digital world.

So, are you willing to put your privacy at risk, or do you want a truly anonymous online experience through decentralization?

Take your most crucial step.

Click here to learn all about the Deeper Connect>>

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