Especially Yours Newsletter: Your Bill: ZERO! Your Style: BOLD!

Published by Especially Yours on September 3rd, 2024 5:40pm. 3 views.

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Today, you can purchase something from Especially Yours and not have to pay for it until November, as long as you pay for shipping and handling today. With the promo code 954931, this offer is good through September 5th. If your order is over $500 or your credit card is declined and sent to collections, you will be charged a fee of $25.

In Spanish:

Hoy puede comprar algo de Especially Yours y no tendrá que pagarlo hasta noviembre, siempre y cuando pague hoy el envío y la manipulación. Con el código de promoción 954931, esta oferta es válida hasta el 5 de septiembre. Si su pedido es superior a $500 o si se rechaza su tarjeta de crédito y se envía a cobro, se le cobrará un cargo de $25.

Your Bill: ZERO! Your Style: BOLD!