Fuzz Newsletter: I have this friend... FuzzNews

Published by Fuzz on September 3rd, 2024 9:10pm. 3 views.
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This email discusses the author's belief that the United States is systematically exterminating its citizens, and that democracy has been lost. The author had a conversation with a friend, a retired police officer who served in Vietnam, about the number of unarmed civilians killed by their governments between 1900 and 2000. The friend asked how many of those were from the US, and the author realized they couldn't answer the question, so they looked it up. They found that according to political scientist R. J. Rummel, the US and other democracies did not kill their civilians like dictatorships did.

The author then realized that the US is being systematically exterminated, something they believe did not happen between 1900 and 2000. They believe that the US is no longer a democracy, and that the presidency is just a "hood ornament" for the deep state. They question whether the US has a real democracy and wonder if voting machines are still being used. The author also questions the recent presence of an army in the US, wondering if the country has been occupied. They believe that the US is no longer owned by its citizens or even the government, but by the corporate deep state.

The author concludes by suggesting that anarchy may be the only thing left when everything is over, and that real freedom may require strong and flexible men and women.

In Spanish:

Este correo electrónico discute la creencia del autor de que los Estados Unidos están exterminando sistemáticamente a sus ciudadanos, y que se ha perdido la democracia. El autor tuvo una conversación con un amigo, un policía retirado que sirvió en Vietnam, sobre la cantidad de civiles desarmados asesinados por sus gobiernos entre los años 1900 y 2000. El amigo preguntó cuántos de esos eran de EE. UU., y el autor se dio cuenta de que no podía responder la pregunta, por lo que la buscó. Encontraron que, según el politólogo R. J. Rummel, EE. UU. y otras democracias no asesinaron a sus civiles como lo hicieron las dictaduras.

Entonces el autor se dio cuenta de que EE. UU. está siendo exterminado sistemáticamente, algo que creen que no sucedió entre 1900 y 2000. Creen que EE. UU. ya no es una democracia, y que la presidencia es solo un "adorno de capó" para el estado profundo. Cuestionan si EE. UU. tiene una democracia real y se preguntan si todavía se están utilizando máquinas de votación. El autor también cuestiona la reciente presencia de un ejército en los EE. UU. y se pregunta si el país ha sido ocupado. Creen que EE. UU. ya no es propiedad de sus ciudadanos ni siquiera del gobierno, sino del estado corporativo profundo.

El autor concluye sugiriendo que la anarquía puede ser lo único que queda cuando todo termine, y que la libertad real puede requerir hombres y mujeres fuertes y flexibles.

I have this friend, He's an asshole and a democrat, but he's an important part of my inner family. Yeah, a Cop too, damn-it... now retired.

So he gets FuzzNews and busts my balls every chance he gets. But you know, Shit Head's a good friend, (let's call him Poop Head out of respect), we've ridden and raced motorcycles all our lives. Yeah and we play with guns, been there and done that. He's a Vietnam Combat VET... and a stand up guy. 

So we talk about the election, the players and the news. ... and he has to listen to me because I'm faster and older then him. So we talk about all this stuff that, like a steaming engine under the hood...that just quit running... we wanna know Why!

So I'm going on about how many unarmed citizens were intentionally killed by their own governments between the year 1900 and the year 2000.

I read this book many years ago...still have it on my bookshelf. Anyway, I believe that the number world wide, between 1900 and the year 2000, was about  263 MILLION men, women and children were purposely murdered in the most grisly ways possible, kind of like whats going on with the West Bank and Israel, in a new modern way, using AI to guide the bombers so no one gets a bad conscience. Well, let's not linger on that...

So Capetian Poop Head asks: "how many of them were from the United States?"

Well, I mean lately, since Kennedy's assassination, Rock musicians of that time, and all that the FBI, CIA and others since 911 and continuing today unabated; but with the jab and planes falling out of the air, I think we can come up with a respectable number...but not anything like what they have in mind for the world population...

R. J. Rummel does not aim to describe democide itself, but to determine its nature and scope in order to test the theory that democracies are inherently nonviolent. The word Democide was coined in the book.

So in my conversation with Poop Head, I froze... I forget what I was going to say and couldn't come up with the kinds of US numbers we had between 1900 and 2000. So I told him I'd look it up; and I did. I was getting Police shootings and things like that. Then I remembered what Rummel's book said; that he does not aim to describe democide itself, but rather to determine its nature and scope in order to test the theory that democracies are inherently nonviolent.

So there we are... my Poopy friend asked a good question. So let us take what we now know, and thread it together.

According to Rommel, the US and other democracies around the world didn't kill their civilians like the countries of dicktasters and despots.

So I was out on the bike yesterday, and had a chance to think. Using all the evidence available to me, I have to concede that we are systematically being exterminated. Something we didn't do between 1900 and 2000.

How could that happen if we're a bleeding Democracy?
... then I realized Democracy done flew the coop. The US is nothing but a hood ornament for the deep state...
       ....and the Presidency is the hood ornament for the US.
              ...I have to ask myself, do we really have a democracy now? I mean, are they still using those voting machines? Why has an army, hidden behind women and children, recently occupied our country from the South?

I think we already know. Maybe we began to lose it with Kennedy in 1963. We don't own our country anymore. The United States of America doesn't own it ether. The corporate deep state owns our country and most everyone in it through debt.

So maybe my Poopy Friend and I can work towards the same thing... for awhile at least, I personally don't think government can work. And I wonder to myself... what if Anarchy was all we can sweep from the ashes when it's over? 

Is that what the Universe is leading us to? Real Freedom... if we can handle it. This will require strong men and women... stay clear minded, strong, flexible and know in your heart that you are One of the One that we all are... ALL ONE. Fuzz

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others...” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Wanna support my efforts? I've been mostly in the States since January 2021, and I have to say, some of you have been very generous, Thank You!  My Book Sales are up, and I've got a place to stay here in Bisbee. Still, I'm on the road, and  need low octane gas and cheap motels once and awhile... so if you're in the mood, I can tell you whatever you send is going in the tank. 
Fuzz On the Road:  Donate Here

Buy my book, "Bohemian Road Trip." ...required reading for old fools and goils that just wanna have fun...


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