Ninja Mountain Bike Performance Newsletter: 🏆 Unlock Your Next MTB Level: Master These Moves Anywhere!

Published by Ninja Mountain Bike Performance on September 4th, 2024 12:04pm. 4 views.

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**8 MTB Moves to Master Anywhere**

Your bike transforms the world into your playground, from trails to parking lots, fields, driveways, and trailheads. These 8 moves enhance your balance, control, strength, and coordination, making your bike an extension of your body. All you need is your bike and a helmet. Practice them anywhere!

1. **Track Stand**
Beyond trailhead coolness, this skill boosts your technical skills to another level. Begin by riding at a snail's pace with level pedals and fingers on the brakes. Turn your front wheel slightly and try to stand up while remaining completely stationary. Gradually challenge yourself on slight uphills, maintaining pedal pressure against the incline. As you master this, progress to flat terrain and downhill slopes, honing your braking, balance, and control.

2. **Deep Lean**
This skill demands a touch of momentum, nothing excessive. Allow the bike to roll at a walking speed, then lean it deeply to one side. This will help a ton in refining your cornering technique. Picture this: outside elbow up, inside arm straight, hips shifting outward, and separating bike from body. Remember to practice both sides, even if you favor one direction!

3. **Figure 8**
Whether standing or seated, use pedal ratcheting and hip rotation for tight turns. Maintain a finger on each brake, aim to go slower without touching a foot down. After a right turn, quickly transition to a left turn.

4. **Bunny Hop**
Learn how to lift your front wheel over ledges you once deemed impossible. Allow the bike to roll at a steady pace, bend your knees, and pull up on the handlebars while simultaneously pushing down on the pedals. Practice lifting the front wheel only, then gradually add the rear wheel.

5. **Step-Up**
Mastering this move empowers you to hop over logs and obstacles on the trail. Roll towards the object at a slow speed, lift your front wheel slightly, and pull up on the handlebars. Use your momentum to pivot the bike over the obstacle, keeping your weight centered. Land smoothly on the other side, maintaining balance and control.

6. **Manual**
This skill demands focus and coordination. Start by rolling slowly, lifting your front wheel, and balancing on the rear wheel alone. Hold this position for as long as possible, gradually increasing the distance you can manual. It's all about timing and balance!

7. **Wheelie**
Elevate your thrill factor by learning to wheelie! Begin by gaining speed, then quickly shift your weight back, lifting the front wheel. Balance by adjusting your body position and using the rear brake. Practice in a safe environment with plenty of space to avoid any tumbles.

8. **Stoppie**
Want to add some flair to your ride? Master the stoppie! Approach an obstacle at a reasonable speed, apply front brake pressure while simultaneously shifting your weight back. As the front wheel lifts, smoothly transition your weight forward to land both wheels simultaneously. Execute this move with caution and in a controlled environment.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Start with the basics and gradually increase the difficulty as you progress. Regularly incorporating these moves into your riding will elevate your mountain biking skills to a whole new level. So get out there, conquer those challenges, and let your bike become an extension of your adventurous spirit.

In Spanish:

**8 movimientos de MTB para dominar en cualquier lugar**

Tu bicicleta transforma el mundo en tu propio terreno de juego, desde caminos hasta estacionamientos, campos, caminos de entrada y comienzos de senderos. Estos 8 movimientos mejoran tu equilibrio, control, fuerza y coordinación, haciendo de tu bicicleta una extensión de tu cuerpo.

1. **Parada en la pista**
Más allá de la fresca comienzo del sendero, esta habilidad lleva tus destrezas técnicas a otro nivel. Empezando con un ritmo lento y pedales nivelados y con los dedos sobre los frenos. Gira tu rueda, trata de mantenerte de pie mientras permaneces completamente estacionario. Ponte a prueba gradualmente en pendientes leves, manteniendo la presión del pedal contra la pendiente. A medida que domines esto, avanza en terreno llano y planos inclinados, perfeccionando tu frenado, equilibrio y control.

2. **Inclinación profunda**
Esta habilidad requiere un toque de inercia, nada excesivo. Deja que la bicicleta ruede a velocidad de caminata y luego inclínala profundamente hacia un lado. Esto te ayudará mucho a refinar tu técnica en las curvas. Imagínate esto: el codo exterior hacia arriba, el brazo interior recto, las caderas desplazándose hacia afuera y separando la bicicleta del cuerpo. Recuerda practicar en ambos lados, ¡incluso si prefieres una dirección!

3. **Figura 8**
De pie o sentado, utiliza el trinquete del pedal y la rotación de la cadera para giros cerrados. Mantén un dedo en cada freno, y trata de ir más lento sin tocar el suelo con el pie. Después de un giro a la derecha, pasa rápidamente a un giro a la izquierda.

4. **Salto de conejo**
Aprende a levantar tu rueda delantera sobre bordillos que antes considerabas imposibles. Deja que la bicicleta ruede a un ritmo constante, dobla las rodillas y empuja hacia arriba en el manubrio mientras simultáneamente empujas hacia abajo en los pedales. Practica levantando solo la rueda delantera, y luego añade gradualmente la rueda trasera.

5. **Paso a paso**
Dominar este movimiento te permite saltar sobre troncos y obstáculos en el camino. Rueda hacia el objeto a baja velocidad, levanta ligeramente la rueda delantera y tira hacia arriba del manubrio. Usa tu inercia para girar la bicicleta sobre el obstáculo, manteniendo tu peso centrado. Aterriza suavemente en el otro lado, manteniendo el equilibrio y el control.

6. **Manual**
Esta habilidad requiere concentración y coordinación. Empieza rodando lentamente, levantando la rueda delantera y equilibrándote solo sobre la rueda trasera. Mantén esta posición durante el mayor tiempo posible, aumentando gradualmente la distancia que puedes recorrer. ¡Todo es cuestión de tiempo y equilibrio!

7. **Caballito**
¡Eleva tu factor de emoción aprendiendo a hacer caballitos! Comienza ganando velocidad y rápidamente desplaza tu peso hacia atrás, levantando la rueda delantera. Equilibra ajustando tu posición corporal y usando el freno trasero. Practica en un ambiente seguro con suficiente espacio para evitar cualquier caída.

8. **Parada brusca**
¿Quieres añadir un poco de estilo a tu paseo? ¡Domina la parada brusca! Acércate a un obstáculo a una velocidad razonable, aplica presión al freno delantero y, al mismo tiempo, desplaza tu peso hacia atrás. A medida que la rueda delantera se levanta, suavemente pasa tu peso hacia adelante para aterrizar ambas ruedas simultáneamente. Ejecuta este movimiento con precaución y en un entorno controlado.

Recuerda, la práctica hace al maestro. Comienza con lo básico y aumenta gradualmente la dificultad a medida que progreses. Incorporar regularmente estos movimientos en tu paseo elevará tus habilidades en el ciclismo de montaña a un nivel completamente nuevo. Así que sal, conquista esos desafíos y deja que tu bicicleta se convierta en una extensión de tu espíritu aventurero.

Elevate your ride with 8 essential skills every mountain biker needs—no matter where you are. Ready to dominate?
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Hey There, here are some helpful tips!


Your bike transforms the world into your playground, from trails to parking lots, fields, driveways, and trailheads. These 8 moves enhance your balance, control, strength, and coordination, making your bike an extension of your body. All you need is your bike and a helmet. Practice them anywhere!

Master these moves, and watch them come alive on the trail. Navigate technical climbs, conquer hairpin switchbacks, effortlessly lift your front wheel over ledges you once deemed impossible. Achieve the unimaginable. Let's go!

1. Track Stand

Beyond trailhead coolness, this skill boosts your technical skills to another level. Begin by riding at a snail's pace with level pedals and fingers on the brakes. Turn your front wheel slightly and try to stand up while remaining completely stationary. Gradually challenge yourself on slight uphills, maintaining pedal pressure against the incline. As you master this, progress to flat terrain and downhill slopes, honing your braking, balance, and control.

2. Deep Lean

This skill demands a touch of momentum, nothing excessive. Allow the bike to roll at a walking speed, then lean it deeply to one side. This will help a ton in refining your cornering technique. Picture this: outside elbow up, inside arm straight, hips shifting outward, and separating bike from body. Remember to practice both sides, even if you favor one direction!

3. Figure 8

Whether standing or seated, use pedal ratcheting and hip rotation for tight turns. Maintain a finger on each brake, aim to go slower without touching a foot down. After a right turn, quickly transition to a left turn.

Bonus points: Attempt a figure 8 within one parking spot or navigate... [READ MORE...]












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"Wow! I had no idea what I didn't know. Our coach, Selena, was so supportive and encouraging. She showed us an obstacle in the morning, letting us know that was the goal for the end of the class. We all said there's no way-- but, by the end of the class, we all rode it like pros! The class was truly amazing. I've already signed up for another. I hope Selena is our coach again!"

- Rhonda L. (verified customer)


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