Izzy at Dime Optics Newsletter: let's dial up the sass factor 📈
Published by Izzy at Dime Optics on September 4th, 2024 9:02pm.
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About this post - by PublicEmails.com:
This email newsletter contains a message from the sender Izzy. Izzy expresses that they've been feeling feisty lately and are enjoying matching their sunglasses to their attitude. They recommend three pairs of sunglasses from Dime Optics for different vibes: the amethyst windsor sunglasses for a sassy look, the black orchid malibu sunglasses for a power move, and the brown tortoise culver sunglasses for a hot look. Izzy asks the recipient which sunglasses are their favorite and suggests shopping new arrivals with a button link. The newsletter includes information about Dime Optics, including their address and contact information.
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