CALIBER Team Newsletter: [Day 5/7] Intermittent Fasting

Published by CALIBER Team on January 27th, 2019 1:45pm. 150 views.

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We like to eat.

If you read yesterday’s email on flexible dieting, you know that we’re the kind of guys who enjoy our food and we like being able to fit big, hearty meals into our diets without sacrificing results in the gym.

In fact, one of our FAVORITE meals when cutting is a big plate full of chicken, pasta, and some Italian bread.

(Ya, that’s right, bread and pasta. We’re not afraid of carbs, and you shouldn’t be either.)

But if you’ve been paying attention, you should be familiar with one of the core principles that we preach over and over again, the GOLDEN RULE, and that is:

Your body has to burn more calories than you take in to lose weight.

Wait, but how can this be possible?

How can you eat these so-called HUGE meals and still hit the required calorie deficit you need to be at to burn off the fat?

The answer lies in a simple dieting hack called "intermittent fasting".


You’re probably familiar with the classic "bodybuilder" dieting advice that says you should be eating 5-6 small meals per day to "boost your metabolism" and burn more calories.

And even if you haven’t heard that one…

We’re SURE you’ve heard the undying "wisdom" spouted by generations of moms and grandmas all over the globe who urge their kids,

"Don’t skip breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

These ideas are repeated so often that after a while, you just accept them to be true - especially because the advice itself doesn’t sound so outrageous.

Sure… it’s easy to believe the idea that eating small meals "stokes your metabolism" like adding fuel to a fire…

...or that eating breakfast somehow "starts up the engine" and primes your body to lose more fat throughout the rest of the day.

The problem with this advice is that it’s 100% WRONG.

We’ve reviewed numerous scientific studies on the relationship between how many meals you eat per day and how much weight you lose…

And the results couldn’t be more clear:

Eating a higher number of meals per day does nothing to "boost your metabolism" or burn more calories.

As long as you’re eating at a calorie level that’s low enough for you to regularly lose weight, then it doesn’t matter if you eat 8 meals a day or just 1!

This piece of knowledge is the key that unlocks the door to effortless weight loss while still allowing you to eat BIG, satisfying meals.


OK, so now that we know meal frequency is not a factor you have to worry about, we can use this information to "hack" our diets…

And to do that, we use a technique called "intermittent fasting".

Intermittent fasting is a concept that has been around for a while, but has only started to gain popularity in recent years.

The basic idea is that you fast for a set period of time every day, and then consume all of your calories for the day within your "eating window".

For most people, this just comes down to skipping breakfast (oh, the horror!!) and waiting until lunchtime to have your first meal.

So your daily schedule might look like this:

9pm at night to 1pm the next afternoon

This if your fasting window. No calories are consumed during this period. Zero calorie drinks like water and coffee are allowed.

1pm - Lunch

4pm - Snack

7pm - Dinner

As you can see, with this type of eating schedule, you’re only having 2 big meals per day, lunch and dinner. But because you’re only having 2 substantial meals per day, instead of 3 or more, you can eat much more food per meal.

Let’s take a look at an example...

Say you need to be eating 2000 calories per day to lose weight. This is your "calorie budget" and you will lose weight as long as you stay within your budget for the day.

If you were to eat 6 meals per day, you would have to eat 6 tiny meals that were around 333 calories each (2000 divided by 6) to stay within your calorie budget.

You know what a 333 calorie meal looks like?

Hint: It’s small. Like, really small.

You get a little bit of chicken, a little bit of fruit, and a few veggies. Not the kind of meal that’s gonna get anyone excited. And you would be done eating before you know it.

Soon enough, you’re hungry again, and waiting for the hours to pass until you can have your next small meal.

Not only are you restricted to eating flavorless, boring foods (because they’re the only foods you can fit into such calorie-restricted meals)... also have to deal with finding the time to eat 6 meals per day!

Now let’s look at how your 2000 calorie day looks if you follow the intermittent fasting protocol we outlined above.

Instead of dividing your 2000 calories among 6 meals, you’re only eating 2 substantial meals - lunch and dinner.

So let’s say we decide to leave 200 calories available in the afternoon for a snack…

That leaves with you 1800 calories left to split between lunch and dinner!

Do you realize what this means??

You can eat 900 calories each for your lunch AND dinner, which is enough for two huge meals!

Now we’re talking.

Having nearly 1000 calories available for both lunch and dinner opens up a tremendous amount of dietary freedom and gives you the flexibility to include BIG, satisfying meals in your diet.

Also, it’s important to note that you don’t have to split up your meals evenly either…

You have the freedom to divide your calorie budget however you like! Perhaps you want to have a lighter 500 calorie lunch and no afternoon snack, saving up all your calories for the end of the day so you can satisfy a pizza craving without ANY guilt.

That’s right - PIZZA can be part of your diet. You just have to make it work.

However you choose to divide up your calories is up to you…

...but as long as you stick to the 2000 per day total (or whatever your individual number is), then you will continue to succeed with your fitness goals.


Final word - there’s nothing WRONG with eating 5-6 meals per day or choosing to enjoy breakfast.

We have a good number of clients who prefer smaller, lighter meals throughout the day, and that’s totally fine.

The important thing to take away from this lesson is that when you understand how dieting truly works, you can spend your "calorie budget" however you like - whether it’s 1 meal or 8 - as long as you stick within the budget.

So just make sure you keep hitting your individual calorie target, and you’ll continue to get the results you want.

OK, next up is everyone’s favorite topic...


Protein powders, muscle builders, fat burners, performance enhancers, energy boosters, etc...

Which supplements are effective, and which supplements are just a complete waste of your time and money?

Keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow for the answers!

See you then,

Chris and Justin
Co-Founders of CALIBER