360training Newsletter: Learn2Serve vs ServSafe 馃捇

Published by 360training on June 2nd, 2020 10:01am. 306 views.

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About this post - by PublicEmails.com:

This email newsletter is from 360 Training, a company that provides online courses on food safety and other topics. The email is about a blog post that compares two big names in the industry that are widely accepted and well-regarded: Servsafe and Learn2Serve.

The newsletter includes:

* A hero image with overlay text that reads "Learn2Serve vs ServSafe: Which is Better?"
* A section with two course cards, one for Food Manager Certification and one for Alcohol Seller-Server Training. Each card includes a description of the course, a star rating, and a button to "GET YOUR PRICE".
* A section with a button to "SEE ALL COURSES"
* A footer with links to the company's social media pages, privacy policy, and legal information.

The overall tone of the email is professional and informative. The newsletter is designed to promote the company's online courses and encourage readers to learn more about food safety and other topics.

In Spanish:

Este bolet铆n informativo por correo electr贸nico es de 360 Training, una compa帽铆a que ofrece cursos en l铆nea sobre seguridad alimenticia y otros temas. El correo electr贸nico trata sobre una publicaci贸n del blog que compara a dos grandes nombres en la industria que son ampliamente aceptados y estimados: Servsafe y Learn2Serve.

El bolet铆n informativo incluye:

* Una imagen principal con texto superpuesto que dice "Learn2Serve vs ServSafe: 驴Cu谩l es mejor?"
* Una secci贸n con dos tarjetas de cursos, una para la Certificaci贸n de administrador de alimentos y otra para Capacitaci贸n para vendedor-mesero de alcohol. Cada tarjeta incluye una descripci贸n del curso, una calificaci贸n de estrellas y un bot贸n para "OBTENER SU PRECIO".
* Una secci贸n con un bot贸n para "VER TODOS LOS CURSOS"
* Un pie de p谩gina con v铆nculos hacia las p谩ginas de la compa帽铆a en redes sociales, pol铆tica de privacidad e informaci贸n legal.

El tono general del correo electr贸nico es profesional e informativo. El bolet铆n informativo est谩 dise帽ado para promover los cursos en l铆nea de la compa帽铆a y alentar a los lectores a aprender m谩s sobre la seguridad alimenticia y otros temas.


How to know which food and beverage training provider is right for you

Learn 2 Serve
Choosing a food safety training provider can be tricky, especially if you鈥檙e looking for online training. There are a lot of unscrupulous companies out there willing to fudge facts. Even choosing between reliable training providers can be difficult.

How do you know which food and beverage training provider is right for you? This blog reviews two big names in the industry that are widely accepted and well-regarded: ServSafe and Learn2Serve.
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