Stephen at MyGreenFills Newsletter: Your #Free Space Freshener Refills are ready to ship Friend...

Published by Stephen at MyGreenFills on January 16th, 2021 12:19pm. 68 views.

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Hey Friend!

Yesterday I shared the nasty secrets behind the those "ja-Breezy" room freshener sprays on how they are chemically designed to kill your ability to smell...

And how many plug in type fresheners contain hormone disrupting fragrances that are dangerous!

That's why we are hooking you up with up to 3 FREE, Truly Free Non-Toxic Space Freshener Refills this weekend!

We took our Oh Happy Day essential oil blend (Lemongrass, Bergamont, Orange, Tea Tree Lemon, Rose) and made it refillable! Super Cool!

This batch we're cooking up can make about 325 orders so hopefully you can grab yours before we run out.

We've cracked the code on non-toxic space freshening, and once you go Truly Free, you'll honestly never go back!

SO... Go reserve your 3 FREE Space Fresheners...

...before this deal evaporates like the funky odors you'll be conqueri

With Gratitude,
Stephen Ezell
Chief Bathroom De-Funkifier

PS. You can use your 3 FREE SPACE FRESHENERS we're gonna ship you around the bathroom, car, carpets, gym bags, pet bedding and countless spaces around your life!