Bluehost Newsletter: Learn How to Secure Your Website From Our Webinar Recap and More...

Published by Bluehost on June 11th, 2019 10:10am. 118 views.

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During our live question and answer segment, attendees asked how to manage user roles on their site and create secure passwords to thwart hackers. They were also instructed on how to check their site health in their admin dashboard and check for the latest PHP updates.
Page and Post editors are both simple with options for working in the WYSIWYG Visual mode. They require no coding or text, and provide HTML-only version with options for working with links and other development features.
Are you ready to win the hearts of audiences on the web? Even heroes can use a helping hand and with WordPress features like free plugins and customization tools at your fingertips, there is no doubt your site will soar to new heights.
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Google is enabling mobile-first indexing (crawling sites with a mobile user-agent) by default for new domains as of July 1, 2019. These are sites Google defines as “previously unknown to Google Search.” via WPTavern
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