Alex at Kiss My Keto Newsletter: Suffering from food addiction?

Published by Alex at Kiss My Keto on July 31st, 2019 5:00pm. 140 views.

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Here's 5 ways to combat it and live a healthy, Keto lifestyle
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Suffering From Food Addiction?

Hey fellow Keto-er,

Ever feel like you have a food-addicted demon inside you that craves processed foods?

I'm talking about burgers, pizzas, sodas, cakes and more.

Why is it that we feel so compelled to eat these unhealthy foods...

When we know it will be a detriment to our health and weight goals?

Food addiction

If you feel like these cravings are making it difficult to go (or stay) on Keto...

You're not alone.

In fact, a study from Yale University revealed that 1 in every 5 American adults suffer from food addiction!

Yes, this statistic shocked me too.

That's why our Keto Experts have compiled a detailed report on food addiction - and how to free yourself from its oppressive clutch.

In this report you'll discover:

🍔 Why a specific part of your brain - that’s responsible for sleep, memory and mood... Hides the true reason behind why you might be suffering from food addiction

🍔 Craving sugary sodas on Keto? Here’s how to make a Keto-friendly soda, with just 2 ingredients.

🍔 How to know when it’s time to see a doctor about food addiction

So to discover the answers behind these points...

As well as the 5 ways to combat food addiction...

Click below to check out your food addiction report now! 👇

5 Ways To Combat Food Addiction

Stay Keto!

Alex Bird

Kiss My Keto, Co-Founder

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