Hi friend,

Recently, we stumbled upon a TikTok video by Ana, a new mom based California. She posted a video shopping for baby clothes and someone commented "this looks like it's for people who got money money 😳"

Ana posted a video response, candidly speaking about the hidden costs of cheap baby clothing: "Yes, you can get cheaper quality baby clothing that gives you the look, but it's not going to last. There are so many affordable brands we bought that she only wore a handful of times or once because the quality doesn't survive multiple washes...in terms of quality, you're always going to get what you pay for."

Sound familiar? We thought so too. 

The "affordable" tag on cheap baby clothing often comes with hidden costs—poor quality, discomfort, and a short lifespan. Quality isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about longevity, comfort, and sustainability.

But we know high quality also often comes with a high price tag. That’s why we have designed a way to give you the best of both worlds.

Our rental model allows you to access high-quality clothing from the finest organic cotton brands, without the hefty price tag. In fact, UpChoose members save up to 80% on premium, organic cotton brands.

So, why settle for less when you can have the best quality without the high prices? Click below to explore our subscription plans and adopt a smarter, more sustainable approach to baby clothing.

Explore Our Plans

PS: You can watch the video here.
PPS: Are you on TikTok? We're just getting started there. Please follow us at @upchoose!
