Fuzz Newsletter: For Ellen ~ FuzzNews

Published by Fuzz on December 30th, 2023 5:41pm. 5 views.
Sent to: somebody else (PublicEmails.com was cc'ed)

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About this post - by PublicEmails.com:

This email provides a link to an article about the nature of water by Greg Reese. The sender is seeking donations to support their travels and the purchase of low-octane gas and motels. The sender also promotes their book, "Bohemian Road Trip."

In Spanish:

Este correo electronico brinda un enlace a un articulo sobre la naturaleza del agua de Greg Reese. El remitente solicita donaciones para apoyar sus viajes y la compra de moteles y gasolina de bajo octanaje. El remitente tambien promueve su libro, "Bohemian Road Trip".

One of you asked for more of Greg Reese. Here it is for the rest of you, Fuzz

liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits
drawn around us by the equal rights of others...” ~

Wanna support my efforts? I've been mostly in the States since January 2021, and I have to say, some of you have been very generous, Thank You!  My Book Sales are up, and I've got a place to stay here in Bisbee. Still, I'm on the road, and  need low octane gas and cheap motels once and awhile... so if you're in the mood, I can tell you whatever you send is going in the tank. 
Fuzz On the Road:  Donate Here

Buy my book, "Bohemian Road Trip." ...required reading for old fools and goils that just wanna have fun...


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