Fuzz Newsletter: Greg Reese; the other side. New Years Eve... a day or two late... FuzzNews

Published by Fuzz on January 2nd, 2024 9:26am. 6 views.
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DeLa (Calle), Bob and Rocky, two dogs and a cat, sat around my table outside to watch the sun settle over the Nicoya Peninsula last night. My job was to keep the lid on as the first of the fireworks went off.

I mean...

I was fortified with Guaro and a second toke; settled down with the farm family, a pad and two colors of pen... also, and supposedly, the last cigarette I'll ever smoke again... it was time for foolish promises.


About the link above: I've never been a fan of InfoWars or Alex Jones... yet that's who's behind Greg Reese, who's with SubStack. It's hard to follow it all, but one thing that keeps ringing my truth bell... IS... Info Wars has all been CIA from the get/go. And so if they're allowing us to view the link above, maybe it means we were going there anyway and they wanted to be seen as good guys on our side. So enjoy the video, I think it's legit; I think Greg Reese is legit, but as we all know... Trojan doesn't just mean rubbers anymore... there used to be a story about a wooden horse ... I forget how it goes... but be careful what enters your forehead, it may not be real. 

Anyway, I put on some meditation music and took a third toke... and there was peace in the valley... DeLa was sprawled over my tiled floor, Bob was busy with fleas and Rocky had his motor goin'. 

....and... I was playing name the game with myself.

If we took all the people in the world and got a consensus of how we felt, what would that look like?

Just for the hell of it, lets take all the governments of the world and put them on an island somewhere... keep them comfortable, feed them and let them have sex with creatures of the sea... whatever turns them on except... well, you know.... blow smoke up their asses so they never catch on...
We can call this a vacation from government. Now calm down, we're gonna treat them nice and just pretend they're not in charge. We can put them all back in charge after we play this silly game.

The world, In the absence of government, might fall into patterns, lets see what it might distill down to... remember, everything is voluntary, no force or threat of force. But don't worry buddy, we'll be hell on defense.

Socialism/Communism? Why not? Under the light of Freedom, everything changes. For the moment, there's no one forcing you to do anything, not even an implied force, cause they're on that island with their guns & tin soldiers sweating in the heat.

So who wouldn't throw a silver dime in someone's cup? You want to help/encourage them. Family's are often based on these principals...

Fascism: can't exist without a government... come to think about it, neither can socialism as we've known it!  Wull shit... I've gone off on a rant. Just pretend there's no goberment, Okay?


None of that is where I was going. Let's just start with my (Me and Buddha's) view of God. If you like, feel free to park your religion over there with the troops... don't have to... call it an option for better free thought.

Okay, so we got this pretty big planet earth. It's filled with people. Some of these people have found God somehow. Doesn't matter how... only matters that it's real, not something you advertise... something really personal. 

It could be YOU! Picture yourself as God for a moment.

Picture Him looking back at you through your mirror.

A love Subprime: hope you like jazz....John Coltrane ~  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll3CMgiUPuU

We Are All ONE

AND that ONE is US, Looking back at YOU. Yes, all of humanity, looking in and out at the same time.

Now see the earth as a giant bag... full of little bags.

These bags are different sizes, like bean chairs, but filled with different backgrounds, music, moto's, opinions and of course the ways we see God.

So these bags take up the volume of our earth. They pack down and sometimes become so obtuse, that they appear to disappear. In this way everything fits into the main bag.

(Understand we had to move governments from the island to a place big enough for 'em all. Mars. It's okay, we got a special place for them with hors d'oeuvres, air and shit like that).

Back on earth, bags change size and shape as humanity likes or doesn't like what's in them. Right now a bag of freedom is going through the roof! ... listening to Coltrane and wondering where to go from here...

I'm going to throw a word in the ring...  DEMOCRACY. Forget the criminals who used these words as a guise to steal our shit. I will forget (and do my best to forgive) men in dresses who perpetuated the Inquisition... if you'll forgive (best you can) Democrats who knowingly got us in two world wars and police actions that killed at least as many... including at least 300 million disarmed civilians who died at the hands of their own governments just between 1900 and the year 2000. Read 'em and weep motherfuckers... makes me wonder how long the air will last up there.

So we got these huge bags of freedom in our earth bag. What's this mean? Well you can't have a central bank in a bag of freedom...not and call it a bag of freedom... ha! like calling a dollar a dollar without gold behind it. Nice thing about not having a government on Mars, is they can't make you take that dollar as if if was really a dollar. A paper dollar was just a receipt you got when you deposited your gold. Well, get your history from Mises.com (in Spanish too) or someplace. I'm trying to make a point here... maybe not doing so good...

Let's make up a sort of term.. not sure you'll approve, but I might agree with you if you have a good reason. It's not a word, it's two words that come through a Spiritual vortex... 

"Natural Democracy" can only exist in that rarefied atmosphere of Freedom... with no government.

Means a small bag of common interests can decide how to run the family, the barrio, the town, and as long as it's small, you don't have to write down a bunch of rules. Freedom is easy to run if it's small. Kids understand it till they go to school... then it gets beat out of them... Imagine! NO GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS !!! Our forefathers did okay without them. We could too, not to mention the expense of all that programming.

"Wull Jeez Dr Fuzz, what about a socialism bag?"

Well, as long as there's no government to force it on anyone, it can't do any harm. I mean, if you don't have enough to feed the people in your bag, don't stick you hand in MY bag!

"Why not Mr Natural?"
Cause now you're gonna need free medicine.


Cause I'll chop your hand off, that's why! You can ask, but you might end up with a job instead. You'll sort it out, people who are free, usually do, and I'll be happy to work with you.

... there I go... off the path again... So the deal is, this just might be the moment that people are sick (to DEATH) with governments, maybe we could put down our tools and have a conversation about how to live free without coercion (force or the threat of force). I've never seen our history so pregnant with thought outside the box. I think the world might just forget about Mars. Besides, air is expensive.

 No, I don't think there's a way to fix society with government any more than marriage won't dry-freeze happiness... the reason so many people think marriage will help their relationship... like taking a picture of a happy couple... I tell couples to keep growing by running parallel lives of passionate curiosity. I think that would work really well in one of them freedom bags.

So I see a lot of positive stuff as long as we can keep Government on Mars. Yeah, I promised we could bring them back but you know... I lied. Not an easy thing to do, but I want my grandchildren to grow up in a free and healthy world. 

With Natural Democracy, people always gravitate to places of interest; be it motorcycling, guitar fandango or faith healing. We can ooz from one bag to another, using our unusual abilities to make it better. Look! Elon Musk is here to take air up to them government people. He wants $500 to start, and another 47 trillion to complete the mission as the ship goes up, the money goes down... I just kill myself...

"I ain't got $500!"

Me either, let's let them figure it out on Mars. Can you print more air?

Don't think so.... 

Getting back to it, I imagined these bags of freedom and whatever interest will fill the real news with reports on what is hot in the market this week and about the terrible tragedy that took place on the Red Planet with counterfeit air. Hard to believe those people were so stupid. Well, I don't know if this is done. But it's time for bed, so I'm gonna make it done. Happy New Year. Fuzz

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits
drawn around us by the equal rights of others...” ~
Thomas Jefferson

Wanna support my efforts? I've been mostly in the States since January 2021, and I have to say, some of you have been very generous, Thank You!  My Book Sales are up, and I've got a place to stay here in Bisbee. Still, I'm on the road, and  need low octane gas and cheap motels once and awhile... so if you're in the mood, I can tell you whatever you send is going in the tank. 
Fuzz On the Road:  Donate Here

Buy my book, "Bohemian Road Trip." ...required reading for old fools and goils that just wanna have fun...


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