Fuzz Newsletter: The Path of Love, Versus the Price of Freedom. Plus a link to Catherine Austin Fitts: FuzzNews

Published by Fuzz on January 5th, 2024 1:56pm. 13 views.
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...Damn dogs laying around, Raul the goose sleeps standing up, all's quiet at Reality Farms South... Ok, the question came to me in a flash, what was I going to do?

 ...I mean how far will I let them push me? When is it going to sink in that they want to kill seven billion of us.... apply naked curiosity and see where it takes you. 

I mean... I did, the other night... I had to ask myself: What do I REALLY think? 

Whenever peace was fought for, the very karma of it, caused it to repeat itself. Not unlike fucking for virginity, (an old and unused phrase today). I guess the two best examples of successful campaigns were carried out by Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King. I think this is the way to beat the bastards. 

Tomorrow can take care of tomorrow... and all that theoretical stuff; except

We're looking at NOW right Now... !


We're coming back! See what I mean in the above link! Watch it with Pride... it's you who are making this happen.

There's never been a time in history like this... almost ALL the people on the planet are angry at their governments; AND seem to have NO interest in a world government.... and People don't do well in captivity.

The STATE wants to put us in captivity!

They're thinning our population. They know where we are and what we say every moment of every day....year in and year out...they've  been taking our money... and our land! How is it possible to be surprised at this turn of events?

Our leaders say they represent us. All I can say is they don't represent me... If you agree, I think that makes us a majority in the world; which is to say, I really don't know for sure, but it looks to me like we aren't buying the left and the right anymore. Politicians who let their hair grow and forget to shave are no guarantee of purity. Obama had his blue sleeves rolled up to show he was one of us... waddia think of him now? They did that in the thirties, the working man, honest and humble. Roosevelt only made the crash worse by printing even more fiat money (fake, without gold behind it). Covered it up with the war... THOSE are the people who say they represent us... we should be ashamed of ourselves for letting them kill all those people in our name!

Now they want to kill us in OUR OWN NAME!

Each time we move into slavery, we had to have seen it coming. What keeps us from removing the Job description all together?

My promise to myself this year is to be peaceful, always looking towards peace as an answer... as I buy ammo and get in shape... 

Because when the fat lady sings, the Coo-coo pops out, or poop gets in the wind, in the fan, in my eggs in the morning... GaDamn!

I'll be there by your side as one of The People, not as a leader. Be suspicious of those who ride a white horse. They may have other bad habits. You may be on their agenda. *disclaimer:

With Love, Fuzz

* Unless her name is Lady Godiva naked on a white horse, of course... demonstrating against her husbands taxes on the poor, (or so the story goes), in the 11th century. I will follow her...after all, taxing the poor is not a good thing. This is not to say taxing the rich is any better... the poor end up with the debt anyway... okay, I'm done!

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits
drawn around us by the equal rights of others...” ~
Thomas Jefferson

Wanna support my efforts? I've been mostly in the States since January 2021, and I have to say, some of you have been very generous, Thank You!  My Book Sales are up, and I've got a place to stay here in Bisbee. Still, I'm on the road, and  need low octane gas and cheap motels once and awhile... so if you're in the mood, I can tell you whatever you send is going in the tank. 
Fuzz On the Road:  Donate Here

Buy my book, "Bohemian Road Trip." ...required reading for old fools and goils that just wanna have fun...


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