Fuzz Newsletter: If you believe in democracy in its present form; then you'll have to do some homework. FuzzNews

Published by Fuzz on January 15th, 2024 12:00pm. 5 views.
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Let's at least sweep the first layer of riff-raft off the table... we can start with Ramaswamy... use the back of your hand, don't want any under your nails.  


See how we narrow the field? Keep doing that, then we can talk about whoever's left... if there is anyone left. Remember, they've already got mud on their feet just to be considered for the Presidency. It's a dirty business, and psssssst... move a little closer....  I think it's a stupid way to pick someone to represent us; but that's just me... Fuzz 





liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits
drawn around us by the equal rights of others...” ~

Wanna support my efforts? I've been mostly in the States since January 2021, and I have to say, some of you have been very generous, Thank You!  My Book Sales are up, and I've got a place to stay here in Bisbee. Still, I'm on the road, and  need low octane gas and cheap motels once and awhile... so if you're in the mood, I can tell you whatever you send is going in the tank. 
Fuzz On the Road:  Donate Here

Buy my book, "Bohemian Road Trip." ...required reading for old fools and goils that just wanna have fun...


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