Fuzz Newsletter: Some Poetry by Clif High: A lumpy warning for lumpy times. FuzzNews*

Published by Fuzz on February 25th, 2024 6:02pm. 3 views.
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          * Means fundamentally Important. Pretty short, good to get the knowledge... Pay particular attention to his TIMELINE towards the end.
Also: Check Spam often. I often find old friends there... Fuzz

Read this, several times, especially Clif's TIME LINE sprinkled throughout the piece but especially towards the end.

This may not seem important to those of you who haven't followed Clif. Maybe this just sounds like a soup made by madmen... when in fact, if you're not mad from the cyber attacks, you'd have to be crazy. 

Then there's all that sand that makes up the desert; that is; people that, according to Clif', are 'normies.' So... if you just got here, then you are now thirty percent of this righteous swelling of Global Indignation. You could even be part of the original three percent if you read Ayn Rand, or Murray Rothbard a few decades ago.

I apologize for not sending every post of Clif's. My goal has been to bring as many good people to the table as I can... not right or left. To me; Jefferson said it best:

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others...” ~ Thomas Jefferson 

... and I do not believed he assigned a form of government that could do what he wished for above. In fact, as far as I can see; no government can do that. Only a free people can do that, and I believe the majority of people on the earth understand that... so lets love our brothers and sisters around the world and see if we can bring it all home. This is gonna be a GIANT REGURGITATION, yes sir....

HyperNovelty is Clif's word for change, just when it was beginning to make sense to the normies, all hell breaks loose. You really should read Clif's stuff, I hope I'm not pissing him off by this... Fuzz

And now, I present Clif High's lumpy poetry. MoFuzz


Propaganda is a chain
Made of links of wax
Intended to bind,
Your mind.
It need not be actual steel,
Necessity demanding merely the look,
Not the feel.

The invisible Worm
That flies at night
In the howling Storm,
Enters your mind,
As a rhyme of Shivers,
Warmth results
From the cellular triggers.

Waxy illusions
Can not persist
Under the heat of examination.
Melting, dripping, oozing, sliding, slipping,
Dissolving bonds proofed poor restraint,
Tighten your anus!
Resist the urge to faint.

On-rushing blood pounding in my head,
The thought-flood is internal!
Cannot everyone see?
All the information spewing from me?
Why do I shake?!
What is this Quivering in my body?!
Why am I running?!
What will I feel?!
It’s here! Now!
Revolution Vibration.
It’s Real.

HyperNovelty is emerging now. This is the period where all ‘authority’ falls away, and the mind is left with no sure and certain anchor for its view of reality. It is a Time of the Upending, the Over-Turning, of All Points of View of Universe. Only if your understanding is firmly, but flexibly, adhered to our Emerging Reality, will your mind surf this period successfully.

This state emerges as the system of structure for Humanity breaks down globally. This system is many hundreds of years old, carries much karma, and can be expected to be massively impacting of all humans.

The break-down of the structure of the system will proceed in chunks, and will accelerate over these next few months and years.

Very aggressive scrapping and fighting can be expected to emerge in March, and carry through April, into at least mid May. The results of the more hidden fighting should produce surprises in late May and early June. The surprising late Spring ‘flood’ will alter all manner of plans, mostly by removing their anchors to shifting mud under rising waters.

The expectation is that by mid June, 2024, the normie population in the Northern Hemisphere, Western Republics will be torn loose from their mental moorings by their experience of HyperNovelty, and will ‘come adrift’ mentally.

This will be a most dangerous time. Dangerous, for these normies, as well as the more aware by-standers. This will not happen in large masses until much later, perhaps near the end of Fall of this year. For the rest of this Winter and into Spring and Summer, the normies will come adrift individually and in small clumps like fishing floats come loose from the line to float about on the surface. In the warming days of Summer, we will be able to witness larger masses rising to the surface of awareness of the HyperNovelty. Large groups of normies will, seemingly, change their perception over mere hours.

People around you will actively start commenting on feeling the RevVibe in their life.

Revolutions are like back-yard barbeques, they are best in Summer. It will be a very good BB-Q Summer, both here in the Americas, as well as in Europe. These will be the BIG PARTIES forecast so long ago by the ALTA reports that will include the ‘liberation’ of much information about UFOs & Other-Shit-Going-Down in the Woo of Earth. These were forecast back in the early 2000s, and included mentions of stuff that was seemingly totally impossible in our future, like shut down farms, and food riots! Hmmm….wonder what else will emerge from those long ago forecasts?

Revolutions are like punctures in tires. You only need one small one to start, and pretty soon your whole truck is stopped by the side of the road. American Revolution 1.0 in 1776, started, and was sustained, and was successful, with only 3% of the population directly involved. Now, in AmRev2.0, we have, what, say 30% involved? Purebloods mainly.

The waning days of Summer, this year, and into the early crispness of Fall, will be our period of New Currents of Thought emerging from the depths of our HyperNovelty. These new thought currents will be emerging from the depths by those minds that are there, now, stirring up the Muck of History.

Come on in.
The Woo is Warm,
Dark and Deep.
Filled with Treasures;
A Lifetime’s Keep

Clif High