Finders Seekers Mysteries Newsletter: Fun Ideas for Tokyo Game Night! 🍱 🍵

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**Fun Ideas for This Month's Mystical Tokyo Game Night!**

Ships March 23. Order before the 21st!

**Bring the Tastes and Sounds of Tokyo Home for Game Night!**

Let’s take this party to Tokyo, where innovation & technology thrive next to history and tradition. Imagine yourself enjoying a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, a rich cultural tradition believed to maintain a peaceful mind and wash away anxiety. Continue de-stressing at Jochiji Temple and say a prayer for happiness to Hotei, or visit the Kotoku-in Temple to marvel at the giant statue known as the Great Buddha.

When you're ready to amp up the blood flow again, plan a visit to Tokyo’s signature theme park, Sanrio Puroland, also known as Hello Kitty Land. And it's not your only chance to experience otaku culture! You can jump right in to the wild, colorful explosion of extreme fandom at the robot restaurant, and on entire city streets.

**Bring Tokyo to your game night with our cuisine, drink, and music recommendations below!**

**Our Recommendations:**


Aside from exhilarating theme parks and famous attractions, Tokyo is known worldwide for its incredible food! Maybe you love tempura, seafood and vegetables fried in a distinctive batter and dipped in a sweet and salty sauce. Today, with just a few ingredients, you can make Yakitori, a simple (yet tasty) chicken skewer dish. Serve over rice. Or if you prefer noodles, we suggest Udon noodles which are excellent in soup and for slurping! Find the recipes here.


When your evening calls for drinks, we have you covered —Tokyo style! How about some sake? Sake is known popularly as rice wine, but its alcohol content is much higher than wine, so it is popularly used in cocktails. One common ingredient to Japanese cocktail is yuzu, a tangy citrus fruit -- and there's so many to choose from! For your Tokyo game night, let’s mellow things out with Matcha, a Japanese green tea powder made from finely powdered dried tea leaves. Hot or cold, this frothy and nourishing tea is energizing, calming, and delicious! Find the recipe here.


To experience Tokyo is to feel it in the music! Take a listen to J-Pop which became widespread in the 1990s. Drawing influences from Western pop, Hikaru Utada is one of the most iconic names in modern J-Pop. She claims the highest-selling album in Japan for her debut album, First Love. Boy band fans will enjoy Arashi, who rose to fame with a string of hits in the 2000s but stopped recording in 2020. The pop band, Official HIGE DANdism dominated the charts with “Pretender” and has proven to be one of the hottest acts currently. Find it all on our complete playlist here.


Finders Seekers is a monthly subscription box. You'll explore world cultures while decoding cryptic messages and solving mysterious clues. If you have what it takes to solve the 'Find', you can **win cash and prizes!**

In Spanish:

**¡Ideas divertidas para la **Noche de juegos del Tokio Místico** de este mes!**

Sale el 23 de marzo. ¡Ordene antes del día 21!

**¡Lleve los sabores y sonidos de Tokio a casa para la noche de juegos!**

¡Vamos a llevar esta fiesta a Tokio, donde la innovación y la tecnología prosperan junto a la historia y la tradición! Imagínese disfrutando de una ceremonia tradicional del té japonés; una rica tradición cultural que se cree mantiene la mente en paz y elimina la ansiedad. Continúe desestresándose en el Templo Jochiji y rece por la felicidad ante Hotei, o visite el Templo Kotoku-in para maravillarse con la estatua gigante conocida como el Gran Buda.

Cuando esté listo para aumentar el flujo sanguíneo nuevamente, planee una visita al parque temático exclusivo de Tokio, Sanrio Puroland, también conocido como Hello Kitty Land. ¡Y no es su única oportunidad de experimentar la cultura otaku! Puede sumergirse directamente en la explosión salvaje y colorida del extremismo en el restaurante de robots y en calles enteras de la ciudad.

**¡Lleve Tokio a su noche de juegos con nuestras recomendaciones de cocina, bebidas y música a continuación!**

**Nuestras recomendaciones:**


¡Además de los emocionantes parques temáticos y atracciones famosas, Tokio es famoso en todo el mundo por su increíble comida! Tal vez le encante el tempura: mariscos y verduras fritas en un rebozado distintivo y sumergidas en una salsa dulce y salada. Hoy, con solo unos pocos ingredientes, puede hacer Yakitori, un plato simple (pero sabroso) de brochetas de pollo. Sírvalo sobre arroz. O si prefiere fideos, le sugerimos los fideos Udon, ¡que son excelentes en sopa y para sorber! Encuentre las recetas aquí.


¡Estamos aquí para acompañarlo si su velada requiere bebidas al estilo de Tokio! ¿Qué tal un poco de sake? El sake es conocido popularmente como vino de arroz, pero su contenido de alcohol es mucho más alto que el del vino y por ello se utiliza mucho en cócteles. Un ingrediente común en los cócteles japoneses es el yuzu, un cítrico picante, y hay muchos para elegir. Para su noche de juegos en Tokio, suavicemos las cosas con Matcha, un polvo de té verde japonés hecho de hojas de té secas finamente molidas. ¡Caliente o frío, este té espumoso y nutritivo es energizante, calmante y delicioso! Encuentre la receta aquí.


¡Experimentar Tokio es sentirlo en la música! Escuche J-Pop, que se generalizó en la década de 1990. Hikaru Utada, influenciada por el pop occidental, es uno de los nombres más emblemáticos del J-Pop moderno. Ella reclama el álbum más vendido en Japón por su álbum debut, First Love. Los fanáticos de las bandas de chicos disfrutarán de Arashi, que saltó a la fama con una serie de éxitos en la década de 2000 pero dejó de grabar en 2020. La banda de pop, Official HIGE DANdism, dominó las listas con "Pretender" y ha demostrado ser uno de los actos más importantes en la actualidad. Encuentre todo en nuestra lista de reproducción completa aquí.


Finders Seekers es una caja de suscripción mensual. Explorarás culturas del mundo mientras decodificas mensajes crípticos y resuelves pistas misteriosas. ¡Si tiene lo necesario para resolver el 'Hallazgo', puede **ganar dinero en efectivo y premios!**

Fun Ideas for Tokyo Game Night! 🍱 🍵

High-Tech Ideas for this Month's Mystical Tokyo Game Night!
Ships March 23. Order before the 21st!

Bring the Tastes and Sounds of Tokyo Home for Game Night!

Let’s take this party to Tokyo, where innovation & technology thrive next to history and tradition. Imagine yourself enjoying a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, a rich cultural tradition believed to maintain a peaceful mind and wash away anxiety. Continue de-stressing at Jochiji Temple and say a prayer for happiness to Hotei, or visit the Kotoku-in Temple to marvel at the giant statue known as the Great Buddha.

When you're ready to amp up the blood flow again, plan a visit to Tokyo’s signature theme park, Sanrio Puroland, also known as Hello Kitty Land. And it's not your only chance to experience otaku culture! You can jump right in to the wild, colorful explosion of extreme fandom at the robot restaurant, and on entire city streets. 

Bring Tokyo to your game night with our cuisine, drink, and music recommendations below!

Our Recommendations:

Aside from exhilarating theme parks and famous attractions, Tokyo is known worldwide for its incredible food! Maybe you love tempura, seafood and vegetables fried in a distinctive batter and dipped in a sweet and salty sauce. Today, with just a few ingredients, you can make Yakitori, a simple (yet tasty) chicken skewer dish. Serve over rice. Or if you prefer noodles, we suggest Udon noodles which are excellent in soup and for slurping! Find the recipes here.
When your evening calls for drinks, we have you covered —Tokyo style!  How about some sake? Sake is known popularly as rice wine, but its alcohol content is much higher than wine, so it is popularly used in cocktails. One common ingredient to Japanese cocktail is yuzu, a tangy citrus fruit -- and there's so many to choose from! For your Tokyo game night, let’s mellow things out with Matcha, a Japanese green tea powder made from finely powdered dried tea leaves. Hot or cold, this frothy and nourishing tea is energizing, calming, and delicious! Find the recipe here.
To experience Tokyo is to feel it in the music! Take a listen to J-Pop which became widespread in the 1990s. Drawing influences from Western pop, Hikaru Utada is one of the most iconic names in modern J-Pop. She claims the highest-selling album in Japan for her debut album, First Love. Boy band fans will enjoy Arashi, who rose to fame with a string of hits in the 2000s but stopped recording in 2020. The pop band, Official HIGE DANdism dominated the charts with “Pretender” and has proven to be one of the hottest acts currently. Find it all on our complete playlist here.

If so, you'll automatically receive this mystery. If not, what are you waiting for? Join the esteemed Society of Seekers and solve a mystery in Japan! Order yours now to make sure you don't miss out on this once of a lifetime experience!


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(offer ends 3/21/24)
Don't wait! March 21st is the last day to order to ensure you receive our new Tokyo mystery, or until we sell out. Once it is gone, we won't ship this adventure again for another 2 years.
Finders Seekers is a monthly subscription box. You'll explore world cultures while decoding cryptic messages and solving mysterious clues. If you have what it takes to solve the 'Find', you can win cash and prizes!