Naot Footwear Newsletter: Luck of the Stylish馃崁

Published by Naot Footwear on March 17th, 2024 5:00am. 4 views.

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About this post - by

This is a promotional email from Naot Footwear. The email starts with a section titled "Enjoy Free Shipping on orders over $50". Below this is a large image of a woman wearing Naot shoes. Beneath the image is a button that says "shop this trend". Following the button is a section titled "Stay up-to-date on new styles & trends" with links to Naot's Instagram page. Below this is an image of a man wearing Naot shoes. The email ends with contact information for Naot, including their address and phone number.

In Spanish:

Este es un mensaje promocional de Naot Footwear. Emieza con una secci贸n titulada "Disfruta de env铆o gratis en pedidos superiores a $50". Debajo, hay una imagen grande de una mujer que lleva zapatos Naot. Debajo de la imagen, hay un bot贸n que dice "compra esta tendencia". A continuaci贸n, hay una secci贸n titulada "Mantente al d铆a sobre nuevos estilos y tendencias" con enlaces a la p谩gina de Instagram de Naot. Debajo de esto, hay una imagen de un hombre que lleva zapatos Naot. El mensaje termina con informaci贸n de contacto para Naot, incluida su direcci贸n y n煤mero de tel茅fono.