Newsletter: Bald ist Ostern! Finde jetzt tolle Ostergeschenke für Sie & Ihn!

Published by on March 25th, 2024 12:47am. 12 views.

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Beautywelt GmbH - Beautywelt Shop


This is a promotional email newsletter from Beautywelt, a German beauty products retailer. The newsletter features:

* A large banner image promoting Easter gift sets
* Links to categories of products on the Beautywelt website
* A section highlighting "Your Benefits" with information on secure shipping, safe ordering, and free samples with every order
* A row of four buttons linking to different product categories (Perfume, Cosmetics, Makeup, and Hair Care)
* A small disclaimer at the bottom of the email with information about a 10% discount offer
* A link to unsubscribe, a link to change customer data, a link to the Beautywelt imprint (legal information), and a link to the Beautywelt data protection policy
* Links to the Beautywelt website, shop, imprint, and data protection policy in the footer

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Beautywelt GmbH - Beautywelt Shop