Samy's Camera Newsletter: 馃摳 Up Coming Classes from Our Experts.

Published by Samy's Camera on April 18th, 2024 12:03pm. 7 views.

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**New and Upcoming Classes from Expert Photographers**

This email showcases upcoming photography classes hosted by expert photographers, such as John Considine, Neil Van Niekerk, Mark Wallace, and others.

Each class is listed on a different image and includes:

* Headline: Examples include "A Creative Approach to Street Photography" and "Pet Photography with Your Digital SLR."
* Image: The majority of the images feature the instructor in action.
* Organization: Contaya is the host of the classes.
* Call-to-action: Each image includes a button directing viewers to "Learn More."

In Spanish:

**Clases nuevas y pr贸ximas de fot贸grafos expertos**

Este correo electr贸nico presenta las pr贸ximas clases de fotograf铆a impartidas por fot贸grafos expertos, como John Considine, Neil Van Niekerk, Mark Wallace y otros.

Cada clase se detalla en una imagen diferente e incluye lo siguiente:

* **Titular:** Por ejemplo, "Un acercamiento creativo a la fotograf铆a callejera" y "Fotograf铆a de mascotas con tu SLR digital".
* **Imagen:** La mayor铆a de las im谩genes presentan al instructor en acci贸n.
* **Organizaci贸n:** Contaya es el organizador de las clases.
* **Llamada a la acci贸n:** Cada imagen incluye un bot贸n que dirige a los espectadores a "Obtener m谩s informaci贸n".

馃摳 Up Coming Classes from Our Experts.

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