VitalSleep Newsletter: 20% Off and 3 Free Snoring Gifts

Published by VitalSleep on November 29th, 2019 5:44pm. 140 views.

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Black Friday snoring solution offer gives you 3 bonus snoring gifts to help you get restful sleep.
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60-Night Risk Free Trial
1-Year Warranty
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Image of VitalSleep Mouthpiece Snoring Kit - Plus 3 Free Gifts
VitalSleep Mouthpiece Snoring Kit - Plus 3 Free Gifts

To help you get restful sleep quickly, we are providing you with Black Friday Offer that includes 3 free sleep gifts.

Plus use code BF20 to save 20% until midnight on Sunday.

Get the adjustable and custom molded VitalSleep mouthpiece along with a bonus bottle of cleaner, contoured sleep mask, and earplug set.

You can do something to improve your sleep...

You can start waking up feeling well-rested...

You can help those around you get better sleep too...

Don't hold yourself back from a snoring solution that has helped hundreds of thousands of snorers. 

Click here to grab the offer right now and get 3 BONUS SLEEP GIFTS. It's only available through this email. Use code BF20 for an extra 20 off too!

To quiet sleep,

David and The VitalSleep Team

P.S. Learn about the health risks of snoring here.

P.S.S. Try it for 60 nights. If you don't love it, contact us and we'll send you a postage-paid return label and refund 100% of your money. You can even keep the 2 bonus gifts.

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Need Help?

[email protected]   |   1-866-753-3738


Remember that VitalSleep includes a 1-year warranty that covers free replacements for any reason.

Try it for 60 nights risk-free or your money back.

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VitalSleep 4201 Tonnelle Ave. Suite E5 North Bergen, NJ 07047

For over 8 years our goal has been to help as many people as possible get the restful sleep they deserve and transform their sleep health.

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