360training Newsletter: Tech & Taste: Digital Food Labeling 馃摬馃崗

Published by 360training on March 18th, 2024 9:11am. 2 views.

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About this post - by PublicEmails.com:

This is a newsletter from 360training about online presence and food labeling guidelines. The newsletter contains:

* A hero image with a call to action button that says "Read More"
* A title about related courses.
* A section with six related courses, three on the left and three on the right. Each course has an image, a title, a star rating, a description, and a call to action button that says "GET YOUR PRICE."
* A call to action to see all courses.
* A footer with the "360training" logo, social media icons, and links to their Privacy Policy and Legal pages.

In Spanish:

Este es un bolet铆n informativo de 360training sobre los lineamientos de la presencia en l铆nea y el etiquetado de alimentos. El bolet铆n contiene:

* Una imagen de h茅roe con un bot贸n de llamado a la acci贸n que dice "Leer m谩s"
* Un t铆tulo sobre los cursos relacionados.
* Una secci贸n con seis cursos relacionados. Tres est谩n a la izquierda y tres est谩n a la derecha. Cada curso tiene una imagen, un t铆tulo, una calificaci贸n de estrellas, una descripci贸n y un bot贸n de llamado a la acci贸n que dice "OBTENER PRECIO".
* Un llamado a la acci贸n para ver todos los cursos.
* Un pie de p谩gina con el logotipo de "360training", iconos de redes sociales y v铆nculos a las p谩ginas de Pol铆tica de privacidad y Legal.


You may know that the Food and Drug Administration has strict rules about food labeling, but how do those rules apply to your online presence? With more and more people making choices based on what they see online, it's crucial to understand how these trends fit with the rules for food labels.

In this blog, we'll simplify the details, giving you tips on how businesses can balance effective digital marketing and following labeling guidelines. We'll break down how online ads and...

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